Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

         Hedgehog Class 2023-2024 

Class Teacher - Miss T Budd

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs J Shipley & Mrs A Woods


Key Information

Welcome to our Year 1 home page. Keep checking in throughout the term as there will be weekly updates, reminders and lots of information about the wonderful learning happening in Hedgehog Class.

For our class cover, we are very lucky to have Mrs Tomlinson teaching our class on Wednesday - the children already know and love her from Butterfly Class. Members of the Active360 team will then take our PE lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school every day so that they can get changed for our PE lessons.

Our home learning is set on Google Classroom on Wednesday and is returned on the following Monday. Please let me know if you are having trouble accessing your child's Google Classroom account.

As always, please get in contact if you have any questions regarding Hedgehog Class - I am always happy to catch up after school.


Reading in Year 1

At the start of term, your child will bring home a Big Cat reading book that is matched to their current phonics level. These books will be changed in school twice a week on Tuesday and Friday. Your child will also be able to choose a reading for pleasure book to enjoy - either from our class library, whole school reference library or from home. Please let us know if your child brings home a book they have already read - we will change it straight away.

For more detail about early reading at Shipton Bellinger, please click here for a copy of our parent information letter.

If you would like more information about phonics and reading in general, please click here to access our English curriculum page.


Update 28.9.23

Now that the phonics baseline assessment is completed, you may find that your child has moved to a different book colour band. The baseline has enabled us to more accurately assess the gaps that your child may have - this means that we can now choose a book band that will help your child to practice any graphemes they didn't know in the phonics screening and ensure their book is exactly the right amount of challenge.

Update 5.1.24

Thank you for your patience while we do our mid-year assessments and ensure your child is still reading a book that is the appropriate level of challenge for them.


Learning Overviews 2023-2024



Autumn 1       Autumn 2        Spring 1         Spring 2        Summer 1     Summer 2



School Council

We have voted for two members of our school council. It was so much fun to go to Mrs Holloway's office and put our ballot papers into her voting booth. The two responsible learners chosen will represent Year 1 in meetings and let us know what the school council have planned as they work to make our school an even more amazing place to learn and play.

This term they are Freya and Henry. Congratulations!