Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

  Welcome to Year 6 - Lion Class

Teacher  -  Mr M Main

Learning Support Assistant -  Mrs G Hudson


Residential Trip to PGL Liddington - February 2024

Day 4 - Thursday 


We have had another wonderful day at PGL - Wonderful but wet! Very, very wet! The dampness did not stop us having a fantastic time. Our cooked breakfast provided ample fuel for our morning adventures ('The hash browns are the best,' according to Poppy!). We then 'layered' up and headed out. Miss M's group lucked out with indoor fencing first thing allowing them to stave of the rain for a short while longer. Fencing was fabulous and all the children used the 'parry' and 'touched' like pros. Mrs Midgeley's group started the day by ascending to great heights at the climbing wall whilst Mrs Walker's group took a leap of faith at the trapeze. 
Following a short biscuit break we all headed out to our second activity. Mrs Walker's group headed on to the trampolines for Aeroball. 'Even though my feet were wet and soggy, I enjoyed scoring goals for my team!' recalls Aiva. Mrs Midgely then took Miss M's team spot in the relative dry of the fencing arena - something all the children made great progress in. Miss M's group headed to the climbing wall where all the children managed to get higher than they had ever been before!
Lunch followed which was a delicious Chicken Rice or Chicken / Veggie nuggets warmed everyone back up. 
The afternoon activities consisted of orienteering (no children were lost!) and Ziplining! Ziplining was a real favourite of lots and lots of children. It was absolutely wonderful to see the children whizzing down, throwing ropes and climbing the zipline tower like pros. 
Dinner was a delicious choice of lasagna, garlic chicken or pasta. Followed by the ever popular Disco!
A wonderful day full of laughter, resilience and children pushing themselves to be the best they can be.
Day 3 - Wednesday
Well, the weather did not manage to dampen our fun today! Although it did manage to dampen a few pairs of tracksuit bottoms, jumpers, coats and shoes! All the children were incredibly resilient to the weather and took on al the challenges despite the weather. 
Breakfast was again delicious: a full English, cereal (that today included Coco Pops - a very popular choice!), porridge, yoghurts and fruit. We then waterproofed and headed out in our groups. The activities that the children partook in today included Problem Solving, Trapeze, Giant Swing, Crate Challenge and Archery. 
The children loved all the challenges:
Crate Challenge - 'A spectacular experience, great fun with lovely coaches.' says Alfie.
The Giant Swing - 'The Giant swing was a bit scary at first but fantastic once you were used to it.' says Zak.
Trapeze - 'The Trapeze was pretty terrifying but I was really proud of myself when I did it.' thought Abi. 
Archery - Bulls-eyes from Zak, Rufus, Fynndlay and Abi.... Miss M failed to hit the target once! 
A pasta lunch (with the most delicious garlic bread) and a curry tea kept everyone happy!
Looking forward to another wonderful day!


Day 2 - Tuesday
Following a successful first night, we all had a brilliant start to the day tucking in to a delicious cooked breakfast! After breakfast we split in to our 3 groups and headed out for our first activity.
Today all groups completed: Jacob's ladder, Abseiling, Buggy Building and the Sensory Trail. A summary of these activities is below!
'Funner than the word fun!' says Wilfred. A sentiment that was shared by many of the children! I was lovely to see so many of the children embrace the challenge and all of them overcome their fears and complete a challenge to be proud of. 
Buggy building
'Hard but fun! Carrying the logs was definitely hard but riding the buggy was great,' says Kelsey. Despite the mud, children worked in teams to build a 'buggy' out of barrels, logs and rope. The knot tying definitely proved a challenge for all (including the adults!) but, once overcome, the built buggy was a real achievement. 
Sensory Trail
'I was honestly scared, I literally screamed but once I got used to it, I almost knew what was coming despite not being able to see.'  says Pixie.  The sensory trail was a 'guided wonder through the woods' with a twist - the whole team was blindfolded. 
Jacob's ladder
An exercise in teamwork and friendly cooperation.  The gaps between each log become wider the higher you go.  The activity promoted huge amounts of friendship, leadership and decision-making. It was wonderful to see all the children overcome so much!
Once we had completed our daytime activities, we all came together again for dinner before heading out to our 'camp fire'. After stories and sweets, it was back to our rooms for games and bed - A wonderful day complete!

Monday 19th February

We arrived! 
All the children travelled well and were very excited to finally be here!
We were met by our 'host' Sian. After a quick run around, we settled in to our rooms and after a short tour of the site we went for dinner. 
Dinner was delicious! There was a choice of cheesy pasta, turkey meatballs, veggie chow mien or fish fingers followed by iced sponge. There was also a huge variety of salad bar options and as much fresh fruit as you can eat! 
Following a quick pit stop, we headed out for our evening activity - Balloon Splash. This saw us having to complete challenges to collect coins which we could then use to 'buy' items to protect our balloon. Team 3 were worthy winners. 
We are then headed back to our rooms for showers and bed - ready for an exciting start tomorrow! 

Key Information

PE - Wednesday and Friday (however PE kits should be in school at all times). 

School Council

Sophie and Amelia

Learning Overviews 2023 -2024


                                                                                          Autumn 1       Autumn 2          Spring 1      Spring 2        Summer 1     Summer 2