Year 5 - Owl Class
Teacher - Mrs E Webber
Learning Support Assistants - Mrs S Gregory, Mrs J Griffiths & Mrs Fotofili
Stubbington Residential Trip - 2024
Thursday - today we began by checking out our mammal hotels. We were lucky enough to have had 7 guests! After exploring the creatures, we then released them back into their natural habitat.
This afternoon we went for a walk in the local area and did several surveys. The data collected, we will take back to school and compare it to Shipton Bellinger. We have also had a chance to make clay models and are excited for our 'S' actor show that we are taking part in tonight!
Wednesday - another jam packed day - we awoke to find an earthquake had hit Stubbington! We had to work in teams and navigate a course around a number of obstacles while carrying equipment. We all did a fantastic job!
After lunch we built shelters and we tested them out by throwing jugs of water over them.
Then we looked for tracks and clues then set mammal hotels - we can't wait to find out what's in them tomorrow!
Tuesday - today we enjoyed another exciting day, learning Orienteering skills and visiting the Hide, searching for foxes and badgers!
Monday - Great time so far - we have been for a walk along the Beach and enjoyed lots of yummy food!
Key Information
Welcome to Owl Class. Please check each week for updates of our wonderful learning.
- PE - Tuesdays (indoor) & Fridays (Outdoor)
- Your child will have a reading book from our school reading scheme and a reading for pleasure book from school or home. Please make sure reading books and personal spelling books are in school everyday.
- Homework will be on google classroom each Wednesday.
School Council
We have voted for two members of our class to represent Year 5 in the School Council. They will have weekly meetings to discuss important issues and help make decisions in our school. Our representatives are Nellie and Vitu.