Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Music Archive


Easter service

The Shipton Singers did it again and were an absolute triumph with the audience members of the Easter service. The choir sang 'The Same Power' with such passion and expression that it certainly brought a tear to my eye performing in the church and for the KS1 service back at school. Singing as fantastic role models for the rest of the school, showing them how to conduct themselves as professionals in any singing performance and showing respect within church walls. 

The singers continued to contribute to the rest of the service by guiding the rest of the school through the rest of the Easter songs such as 'Easter Jubilation' and 'This is the day'. It was such a wonderful service that the school received a very kind email from Rev. Sarah congratulating the children and staff with how well behaved they were in the church and how beautifully they sang.

Christmas service

Well the Shipton Singers have certainly had a busy couple of weeks as the Christmas season is fast approaching! Not only did we have to perform a collection of carols in traditional style which of course meant singing outside in the frosty air but also with the added challenge of performing acapella. The singers did extremely well and could be heard across the length of the fair and really helped to bring the Christmas cheer to all that attended. 

The following week the choir were invited to perform their song, 'The Sussex Carol' not only in the KS1 Christmas service but also in the church alongside KS2. The Shipton Singers worked extremely hard on this song as once again they performed acapella but it also included some very tricky harmonies. The smiles on their faces as they sang brought such joy to everyone who watched and the children received many compliments on their fantastic performance.

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We have come quite a long way over the course of two weeks! Working hard on reading musical notes, the children now know what the notes B, A and G look and sounds like. We have now learnt a collection of songs that the children have been performing as a mini recital to the rest of the group. Well done recorder club!

We were very excited to have our first recorder session of the year. Most of the pupils had brought their own recorders from home, some which had been passed down from their parents from when they were little! We spent the session learning what position your lips, tongue and teeth should be in before playing a note in order to get the crisp, singular notes coming out the other end. We experimented playing the first note of 'B' and even managed to learn two songs in the process.

Across the curriculum

Year R

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

                                                                                              Musical events

King Charles III Coronation Celebration

What an absolutely glorious event we had for the upcoming coronation. All the pupils of Shipton Bellinger worked collaboratively over the last three weeks as they practiced with Mrs. Cheshire for the big performance in front of all the parents. They sang all the songs beautifully and topped it off with the new national anthem which brought a tear to everyone's eye at this historic and memorable occasion. The crowd favourite was most definitely Queen - One Vision, which included the children rocking out with their blow up guitars and union jack flags! Well done Shipton, you did us proud! 

Shipton Bellinger's got talent                                                                                         

We were just blown away by the skills that were presented to us beautifully in our very own 'Shipton Bellinger's got talent'. The two entries from year 5 were musical performances which included an amazing set of drums by Rufus and some wonderful piano playing by Shishir. Well done to the overall winner of the whole of KS2... Shishir!