Shipton Bellinger Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Year 1 Archive

2022-2023 (including Autumn 2023)



Our Weekly News


Week beginning Monday 8th January

What a fun week with Year 1! We finished our (very impressive) Dragon Post letters - our largest quantity of writing yet. We also started working on our information text about castles - we are already showing some fantastic History knowledge.

This week we continued our art unit on Paul Klee and enjoyed experimenting with white paint to make lighter and darker shades for our upcoming painting of a castle. We also started planning our DT project - if you have any cardboard boxes (for example, cereal boxes) then please send them in!

We are heading out on our signs of winter welly walk on Tuesday - please ensure your child has wellies in school. I will send a text reminder too.

Hope you have a lovely weekend :)



Week beginning Tuesday 2nd January

It was so wonderful to be back in Year 1 this week and it has been wonderful the Hedgehog Class's passion and enthusiasm for learning.

Please check your messages from school regarding a book that we have read as part of our RE learning this week. The story refers to a fox "falling asleep forever" and I wanted to ensure you had a chance to chat through this theme with your child if they are concerned about it. Here is a  Youtube link if you would like to read the story together. 

In History, we started our unit of learning on castles by comparing them to our own houses - surprisingly no one lived in a home with a tower or a moat!

For our home learning, I have included the phonics sounds we have practiced this week and one of our Maths skills. Please feel free to continue to play the games from the Autumn term if you would prefer, but I thought I would give you the option to do some additional practice of our in class skills if you and your child would like to.

Please check your child's book bag for the envelope and letter about our Dragon Post writing. We are writing our letters at the start of next week and the children have designed their dragon and planned out what they will do on each day with their imaginary dragon! 

Thank you for a fun week, Year 1! See you on Monday.



Week beginning Monday 30th October

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful half term. 

We started off the term with our Heroes of History theme week. Check out the History page of our school website to see some information about what we got up to - including some pictures of our VR Headset workshop. We learnt all about a hero of history - Mary Anning! We then wrote information texts about the dinosaurs she discovered. 

In Science, we started our next unit of learning - materials. The Three Little Pigs need the help of some expert Scientists/builders and Year 1 are full to the brim of those!

Our more formally styled learning has been absolutely incredible and Year 1 have risen to the challenge even more than I expected. I have been blown away by their independence, resilience and confidence in all their learning - Mrs Holloway has been too. Well done Year 1!



Week beginning Monday 16th October

First of all I would just like to thank everyone for your support while I have been acting up for Mrs Holloway this week. I appreciate that the Year 1s have been impacted most significantly by having me away but I am so proud of their resilience and patience. Special thank you too to Mrs Shipley who has held down the fort and really gone above and beyond.

It was wonderful to see so many people at the Pumpkin Soup celebration - hope you enjoyed the soup and the chance to see the wonderful learning done by your children.

Have a very restful half term and I look forward to seeing everyone back for our second big topic this year - The Toy Museum.




Week beginning Monday 9th October

We have been making our pumpkin soup this week and it has been such a treat to see how the children are engaging with our learning. After grinding spices, chopping pumpkin and peeling carrots, the children are definitely going to have strong fingers to write their recipes with! We used adjectives, powerful bossy verbs and our "first, next, later, finally" sequencing words to write some very impressive recipes. Let me know if you use them to create your own pumpkin soup at home! :)

We also tried out our very first full "Year One" style mornings - with reduced child initiated play and lots more whole class structured English and Maths. The children have thrived! The progress this term has been absolutely incredible - I am so proud of them.

The children have also really enjoyed their Bikeability this week. It has been great to see riders of all ability develop confidence, accuracy and safety with their bikes. They have been zooming around at top speed each morning!


A couple of key dates for next week. It is going to be a busy one!

Monday 16th - Forest School Event (wet weather clothes needed, please!)

Thursday 19th October (9.15 - 10.30) - Harvest Festival

Friday 20th October (2.15 - 2.45) - Pumpkin Soup sharing


Have a wonderful weekend, Hedgehogs xx


Week beginning Monday 2nd October

Our harvest festival has been creeping closer and we are starting to rehearse our performances and make some artwork to share during the festival. We were lucky enough to welcome Reverend Sarah into class this week - she shared about how the Harvest Festival began and about why it is important to be thankful for the things we have. I was so pleased with how well we listened and was very proud to get an email afterwards calling us "good ambassadors for the school."

We have Bikeability next week which will be an exciting change of pace! After speaking to the team, I have been given the advice that, if your child can ride a bike without stabilisers, then they can bring their own bike to use. If they still need stabilisers or can't use a bike unassisted yet, then they will be given a balance bike by the Bikeability company. Please bring in a helmet if your child has one.

We will be writing our Pumpkin Soup recipes next week and making some delicious autumnal soup to freeze, ready share with you at our celebration on the final Friday afternoon of term. 

Have a wonderful weekend Hedgehogs - enjoy the autumn weather :)



Week beginning Monday 25th September

We have been busy hedgehogs this week as we write our Red Riding Hood narratives. This is the first written story your child has done at school so I can't wait to see the amazing results. 

As you can tell from the home learning, we have begun measuring, thinking carefully about accuracy and using key mathematical vocabulary. Next we are exploring money using 10p and 1p coins - this follows on from our partitioning of teen numbers into 10s and 1s.

In Science we have learnt about the different parts of trees, carnivores and herbivores and about the birds and mammals that live in our local habitats. We are learning by heart the names of different trees and local mammals and birds so please check in with your child if you see one. We have also done tree rubbings, labelled parts of trees in their Science books and made our own herbivore and carnivore teeth!

Have a restful weekend, Hedgehogs. xx


Week beginning Monday 18th September

Our heroic hedgehogs have gone from strength to strength this week! We explored our Term 1 artist, Yayoi Kusama, and were shocked to hear about how her Mummy tore up her pictures when she was little! We loved making our own dots inspired artwork with bingo dabbers, stickers and paint. Our clay pumpkins are drying ready for us to make our own Kusama inspired pumpkins this week.

We explored speech and verbs this week as we retold Red Riding Hood. It was so much fun to act out all the different verbs as we pretended to be the characters from the story. Look out next week for our wonderful writing.

Partitioning numbers happened this week and it was wonderful to see our comparing and ordering skills coming into their own as we played around with different representations. Thank you to everyone who accessed our home learning. Let me know if you are having a problem getting online.

I can't wait to do our final week of Red Riding Hood next week and to have some autumnal science afternoons. Have a lovely weekend! xx


Week beginning Monday 11th September

I was so proud of our wonderful writing this week. After a surprise visit from the Big Bad Wolf on Monday, we ensured that everyone would be aware of him with our amazing wanted posters. We had to learn about nouns and adjectives in order to describe him accurately and the children did an amazing job. We also baked cookies to replace the ones that the wolf ate.

For Maths we worked on one more and one less within 20 and had to use some careful counting and number line knowledge to help us. With ordering and part/whole models coming up next week it is going to be a busy Maths week. Miss Macleod, our Maths lead, came to join us and loved the wonderful learning that the children were demonstrating - proud of you Hedgehogs!

Our super Scientist this term is Steve Backshall. Each term we are learning about a real life scientific hero as part of our Our Heroes golden thread. We were so impressed at his bravery and how he cares for dangerous animals.

Have a wonderful weekend favourite Hedgehogs xx


Week beginning Tuesday 5th September

What a fun start to our year together. I had a blast retelling Red Riding Hood with the children today - we had some very scary Big Bad Wolves! Tuesday was all about learning our new rules and expectations, learning about our new classroom and getting to know everyone. Highlights included Katsu curry for dinner and a new story - Monsters LOVE School. I hope our Year 1 monsters did too.

Welcome to Robyn - we love having you here!

On Wednesday, we retold Red Riding Hood today using puppets, dressing up and story maps. We also worked on representing teen numbers using numicon and the 11-20 numberblocks.

We kept cool in the heat on Friday and enjoyed making numbers with diennes and paint. In English, we learnt about nouns and labelled the nouns from the Red Riding Hood story using our sound mats. We also made a list for Granny's shopping and weaved baskets to carry her heavy shopping home!

It was such a fun week! See you on Monday, Hedgehogs xx





 Summer 2 week 6 WB: 10.07.23

We have all had a fab week this week.  We enjoyed the church visit on Wednesday where Reverend Sarah talked to us all about the features of the church and why they are important.  She also told us a story of St. Peter, who the church is named after.  The children all behaved fantastically and loved learning about all the special things they saw and related it to their own experiences of weddings and christenings.  Along the way to and from the church the children got the opportunity to share all their knowledge and understanding of the human and physical geographical features they saw.  We were all very impressed with their geographical knowledge - well done Hedgehogs!  Following on from the trip the children draw a map of our journey to the church.  Their maps were awesome, with great detail and awareness of direction.  In English, we have planned and begun to write our own Janet and Bill's adventure.  It is fantastic to see the children's enthusiasm for writing and the way they are using all their newly learnt writing skills independently.  I can't wait to read the finished stories - many of them involve a planet called chocolate planet!  I am sure that we would all like to visit this planet.

In Maths we have explored the fractions half and quarters using shapes and quantities.  The children shared objects between 4 people to find quarters and know that fractions need to be equal.


Next week, we will be continuing our story writing and exploring capacity.  I cannot believe that the year is almost over!


Summer 2 Week 5 (WB 03.07.23)


We have really enjoyed our English learning journey this week.  The children have had the opportunity to create and describe their own planet for the characters of Smeds and the Smoos to visit.  The children have used awesome adjectives and noun phrases to describe all the wonderful and creative features on their planet.  Next week we will be planning and writing Janet and Bill's next adventure as they land on the new planet.  I wonder where the children's imaginations will take Janet and Bill? 

Our maths learning has been focused on division and solving problems involving sharing or grouping.  The children have used different resources to share objects equally and have drawn their own pictures to record their working out.  Well done Hedgehogs!  In Science we have been learning about the summer season and and talking about how to keep ourselves safe in the sun.  The children created some great sun safe posters with lots of important information on ways to stay safe in the sun.  

On Friday afternoon we got creative in the garden.  We explored Andy Goldsworthy environmental art by looking at lots of inspiring photos of natural art.  We then used what we could find in the garden to create our own works of art.  The creations were amazing!  We were very proud of the time and care that the children took with their designs. 

Next week we are looking forward to our visit to the church and our sports day races on Tuesday.  Please can the children wear their house colours on Tuesday and long trousers and trainers on Wednesday.  Many thanks!

Summer 2 week 4 (WB 26.06.23)

We have had a very exciting and busy week. We have started our new English learning journey based on the awesome book 'The Smeds and the Smoos', which is a firm favourite of the Hedgehog Class.  We have hot seated the characters and asked them lots of interesting questions and we have created puppets of the characters.  The children were amazing at pretending to be the characters and came up with some super answers as the characters.  Some children even put on different voices and used great expression too!  In maths, we have been solving number problems using our addition and subtraction skills as well as our number bond and partitioning skills.  

This week we enjoyed investigating different leaves and explored them carefully under a microscope.  We talked about the different shapes, textures, colours and types of leaves we had found.  We drew pictures and described the differences and similarities between the leaves. 

This week has been full of little extras and some surprises.  We met Mrs Helliwell's pony on Monday and had the opportunity for a quick stroke.  So much fun was had by all adults and children at the sports day and games afternoon.  The children were fantastic and gave every event their all!  Well done Hedgehogs, I am very proud of you.  It was great to see so many parents joining in with the day too.  We all enjoyed the chance to rest at the picnic, which was lovely and definitely needed - well, for the teachers anyway!   We also were proud to spot that 2 of our butterflies had appeared from out of their cocoon.  We still have 2 to go so we are looking forward to seeing them soon.

Have a lovely, restful weekend!


Summer 2 week 3 (WB 19.06.23)

Well, this week has just flown by!  The children have written some amazing letters from Oliver 'Oliver's Vegetables' telling his mummy about all the vegetables he ate at Grandpa's house.  The language used by the children to describe the vegetables was fantastic and all the children tried their hardest with their capital letters and full stops.  We are all very proud of the Hedgehogs!  In maths, we have been learning how to partition numbers and how knowing a number bond helps us to solve other problems.  For example, if we know that 12+4=16 we know that 16-4=12.

Our Science learning journey took us outside to explore the school grounds hunting for different trees.  The children used the leaves to try and identify the trees and we talked about trees that are deciduous and and trees that are evergreen.   The children used tally charts to record how many of each tree they saw on our hunt.  We were also delighted by a delivery of caterpillars to Hedgehog Class and we have carefully watched each caterpillar change to a chrysalis.  Watch this space for more developments. 

In History we are now learning about changes in living history and have watched a video all about houses in the 1950s.  The children were not keen on the outside toilets and the chamber pots!  Their faces were a picture!  

The Hedgehogs are excited that their teacher in Year 2 will be Mrs Cox as they have already been taught by her and see her daily around the school.  Next Tuesday the children will be spending the morning with Mrs Cox in their new class...exciting times ahead!

Summer 2 Week 1 (WB 05.06.23)


We have had a great week exploring vegetables.  We looked at some new and exciting vegetables which we had not seen or eaten before as well as vegetables we recognise.  We also explored some common herbs and some of us had a little taste test to get the full sensory experience.   This awesome experience hooked us in to our new English book 'Oliver's Vegetables' as well as linking to our science learning journey about plants.  What better way to understand plants then to explore and talk about edible plants.  The children came up with some fabulous adjectives to describe the different vegetables which we will be using in our writing next week.

We have enjoyed using different resources to learn about the place value of numbers and we even draw on the table to make our own number lines!  We will continue to work on place value and one more and one less next week.  

We ended the week by painting space pictures in the style of Peter Thorpe which was great fun and required a lot of careful detail and skill from the children. We look forward to adding the space rockets to our paintings next week.

Thank you for all your support with your child's reading - it really does make a massive difference to their progress.  I am very proud to say that I am also seeing a fantastic improvement in all of the writing in the class too, which is awesome!

Summer 1

We have had a fantastic half term and have learnt so many facts about Stonehenge, Neil Armstrong and growing plants.  The Hedgehogs have worked so hard and it has been awesome to see how hard they have worked on developing their writing skills.  Some children are now complaining if I ask them to stop writing! :)   The Hedgehogs are now thinking carefully about capital letters, full stops and using finger spaces in their work as well as trying to use interesting nouns, verbs and adjectives.  Our writing unit based on the book 'The Egg' was thoroughly enjoyed by the children and the stimulus of a mysterious egg inspired us to write creatively.  When we discovered that the egg had hatched and the newborn had vanished we had so many questions and ideas as to what had occurred.  Luckily, we received a letter from a doctor at the National History Museum to say that our baby dragon had flown all the way to him.  The final piece of writing was a reply to Dr Barthomelew to give him suggestions as to what he could do with the dragon.  I was wowed by the children's writing skills and their use of language in their letters.  Well done Hedgehogs!  Our second English unit was all about plants and how they move, based on the wonderful book 'Plants can't sit still'.  This led us to learn about verbs and to write instructions on how to plant seeds.  

I am hoping that the children have told you all about Neil Armstrong and all the space firsts that we have been learning about in History.  The children were fascinated by the videos of the first space shuttle launch and Neil Armstrong's first step on to the moon.  We then put the different space firsts on to a timeline.  In Geography, we have been exploring human and physical geography features linked to the book 'Hike.  We have enjoyed talking about hiking and how we would prepare for a hiking trip.  We will be continuing this learning journey after the holiday and will end with our very own 'hike'.

In Maths, the children have enjoyed using various resources to aid their understanding of number concepts.  They were shocked and horrified when I asked them to write on their tables and even told Mrs Holloway what I had asked them to do!  However, they gained a greater understanding of how to make arrays using the counters then if I had asked them to write in their books.  The children have loved learning about the properties of 2 and 3D shapes and using mathematical language to describe movement.  

Obviously, the highlights of the term have to be the King's Coronation and our amazing trip to Stonehenge.  In preparation for the coronation the children engaged in various activities to learn about the King and what happens during the ceremony and they even made the King's trifle.

Our Stonehenge adventure gave the children the opportunity to explore the site and learn about the Neolithic house and the way people from the past lived in the area.  

It has been a busy and fun term and I am very proud of how the children have engaged in their learning and worked to the best of their ability.  Well done Helpful Hedgehogs and thank you and your parents for welcoming me into your lovely school.  Good luck caring for the plants that came home on the last day of the term.  I hope the children knew how to look after them.

Spring 2 Week 6 (w/b 27.3.23)

What a busy end to the term we have had! We had a skill based DT project this week, learning a simple weaving technique in order to produce our own 'baskets for Grandma'. They were super tricky to get the hang of, but all the children showed great perseverance at developing their understanding of how to do it and everyone had a beautiful basket to take home at the end of the week. A big well done also to the children for a lovely Easter Service - thank you to all the families that came to school to share this with us. The children did a brilliant job re-enacting the arrival of Jesus to share their learning about 'Palm Sunday' and everyone sang our Easter songs beautifully. We also enjoyed some very practical maths this week, measuring and comparing small items using cubes as part of our unit on 'mass' and the children thought about keeping safe at home around tools, cleaning products and medicines during our PSHE Jigsaw sessions. We had lots of fun with science this week, thinking about materials that would be good to build houses with (concrete and bricks a clear favourite) and those that were not so suitable (straw and sticks) and everyone enjoyed creating interesting design ideas to make a wolf-proof house! We also went on a Spring walk, looking for signs of Spring and noticed the buds that had grown on our focus tree. It was lovely to meet Mrs. Bowden who joined us briefly on Friday morning to meet the class. The children are very excited about getting a new teacher after the Easter holiday.

On that note I would also like to say that whilst I am not going far, (just next door!) It has been a pleasure to be your teacher since you started school Hedgehogs and I am excited for you, for all the fun learning opportunities and experiences you have ahead of you with Mrs Bowden x 

Spring 2 Week 5 (w/b 20.3.23)

This week we have continued to learn to recognise the amounts of different coins and have started to use our grouping skills to count in  2's and 10's. We have also begun to think about addition of two amounts to work out a total cost. We have thought about character descriptions in our English, using characters from our focus story 'Little Red Riding Hood' and used our developing questioning skills to role play an interview with the 'Wolf' (a.k.a Jerrie the Jigsaw Cat!) In ICT we have learned about pictograms, initially making our own class paper copy, but then using 2Count on Purple Mash, everyone did a super job correctly using the program to show the results of our 'favourite food' class quiz. In Science we have developed our vocabulary of simple simple properties of everyday materials, thinking about objects that are hard, soft, flexible and transparent. The week finished with excitement of the Talent Show which everyone enjoyed watching!

Spring 2 Week 4 (w/b 13.3.23)

This week we introduced our new story 'Little Red Riding Hood' with a focus on understanding how characters and the setting are introduced in the opening of a story. We had fun with a character hunt around the classroom, with children looking for the four key characters to sketch into their books (getting us thinking about what they look like) and learning how to write their names correctly. Later, we worked together as a class to think about what we found out about them from the text compared to what we 'think' we knew about them... and what (and why) they were doing in the story. This will help us next week as we start to consider questions we could ask the characters to find out more information about them. In Science we played a materials memory game, working to match types of key everyday materials and we had a fun practical experiment to explore what materials were magnetic around the classroom.

Spring 2 Week 3 (w/b 6.3.23)

This week was all about the snow! We thoroughly enjoyed getting out to build snow men and play with our friends in the snow - we even had some hot chocolate to warm us up when we got back inside! Around having lots of fun outdoors, we also finished had a go at writing the story of the 'Three Little Pigs' and worked on our addition skills in maths. We have also been working on the concept of 'welcoming' others by making our own school welcome pack for children that join our class. We finished the week looking at simple simple directional language (including working on learning on our left and right) and had a go drawing our own map between different locations in our Adventure Playground.

Spring 2 Week 2 (w/b 27.2.23)

This week we have begun to think about simple 'fielding' in our P.E sessions, introducing the idea of 'returning' items quickly and to a target, in order to stop someone else scoring points. In maths we have continued to revise our partitioning skills using part-whole models and explored doubling using domino dots, bar models and mirrors. We had a great 'World Book Day' you all looked amazing Hedgehogs! Using the 'maths through stories' approach, we explored sharing cookies (with our first look at having 'some left over') we also used a new computer program to help us draw and write part of a story. We finished our day by getting outside to 'walk' the story map of 'The Three Little Pigs' taking our story cone characters with us as we re-told the story together... Hedgehogs you particularly relished the opportunities to run screaming from the Big Bad Wolf! 

Spring 2 Week 1 (w/b 21.2.23)

What a great start we have had to our new term Hedgehogs. We have started our new topic 'Into the woods' with a new focus story in our English Learning Journey for 'The Three Little Pigs'. Everyone enjoyed learning actions and drawing symbols to help us re-tell this traditional tale. In maths we looked at what a quarter was, by cutting shapes into 4 equal parts. We have also revisited counting in 2's and 10's - this is something you may like to have a go doing at home. In RE we explored what the word 'Welcome' means, looking at how we welcome others and things people can do to help us feel welcome. For our Anti-Bullying Day theme 'Reach Out' we enjoyed watching and talking about 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse' by Charlie Mackesy with some follow-on circle time talking about the friendship between the characters and what qualities they each had that made them a good friend. Hedgehogs completed some watercolour paintings of illustrations from the book as a way of remembering our day.

Spring 1 Week 6 (w/b 6.2.23)

It was a super busy week to finish the term, with fun dressing to 'express' ourselves as part of Children's Mental Health Week - you all looked great in the outfits you had chosen Hedgehogs! In maths we had continued to learn skip counting in 2's and later on in the week, in tens. We used double 'high-fives' to help us count practically and moved on to using tens dienes, to help us make our own concrete number line to 50. In English we have been enjoying using an RSPCA  children's magazine to help us explore 'non-chronological' reports, introducing different text features such as headings, sub-headings and fact boxes and our reading and research helped us to have a go writing our own animal fact files on penguins. Everyone got to take a copy of the magazine home and remember your holiday homework is to have a go creating a piece of 'animal artwork' for us to submit to the magazine. Well done for a great half term everyone - you have worked super hard and it's now time for a well-deserved break! See you seen Hedgehogs!

Spring 1 Week 5 (w/b 30.1.23)

We have enjoyed lots of topic based learning this week. In Science we found out the names of some of the main animal groups (mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles) and worked as a team to organise photos of lots of different creatures into the correct categories. We finished our English learning journey on the story of 'Geronimo' by having a first go at a story re-tell. We looked at answering the enquiry question 'Why can't penguins fly?' by writing using information we had found out from our science and Geography work on Antarctica to look at the way penguins had adapted to a need to swim rather than fly. In our maths work this week we have had a focus on sharing (fairly / equally) into groups and using this as a way to explore finding half as one of two equal parts... of shapes, objects, amounts. In RE as part of our theme of 'Remembering,' Mrs. Hobhouse shared the story of Moses as an introduction to the Jewish celebration of 'Passover' with the children using their senses to explore some of the different items that are part of the celebration. In PE we have been refining our 'tracking' (aiming) and retrieving skills using different equipment such as bean bags, large and small balls. I can't believe how fast the time is flying by Hedgehogs, next week is the last week of this term!

Spring 1 Week 4 (w/b 23.1.23)

In Hedgehog Class this week, we have enjoyed continuing to explore our story 'Geronimo' and we shared together the research homework children had completed to find out and write a fact about penguins. As our first 'narrative' writing learning journey, we introduced the idea and vocabulary of key stages in a story (the opening, a problem, the resolution and the ending) and mapped these onto a 'story mountain' to show how stories can build. We used our inference skills ('reading between the lines' or finding clues within a text) to think about how Geronimo may have been feeling at different points and then used images from the book the sequence the main parts of the story - this will help us next week as we have a go at writing the story in our own words. In maths we have explored telling the time to the half hour and have started to look at simple multiplication and division by sharing out resources equally into different numbers of groups and learning how we can record this with jottings in our books. We revisited counting in twos and used groups of multilink to create our own number line - we will use the idea of groups of multilink as we move forward to show the children how to record simple arrays as we count in 2's, 5's and 10's. We also had fun getting back out to the wild area this week - it was especially muddy which made for some great fun outdoors.

Spring 1 Week 3 (w/b 16.1.23)

In maths this week, we have started to explore 'tens' and 'ones' looking at the way this is represented in a place value table and how we can show this in different ways, such as in ten-frames and using dienes. We put into practise what we had learned to show 'teen' numbers, representing 'one ten' and 'some ones' (14 has one ten and four ones). The class really enjoyed our new learning journey text 'Geronimo - the penguin who thought he could fly'. We had a go at predicting what might happen next and understanding who we mean by the 'main characters'. Geronimo is also helping us understand about 'hot' and 'cold' places; as we have reminded ourselves of the seven continents (using world maps and atlases) as we start to explore the polar regions in more detail,  learning that Antarctica is an expanse of frozen land, in contrast to the Arctic which is made up of ice and ocean. We finished our week with a lovely activity helping us work on one of the 'goals' identified by some children in class, to experience some cooking activities. The children found out about the importance of washing hands before preparing and eating food and our school cooks Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Shaw kindly came into class to talk about some of the responsibilities within their catering jobs and to answer questions from the children. To finish, Hedgehogs got to prepare (and eat) their own 'pitta pizzas.

Spring 1 Week 2 (w/b 9.1.23)

We have continued to work on our information sentence writing skills this week, using animals as a theme to work from. In Science, we worked in groups to label human body outlines to show simple body parts, then we focused on our senses and the parts of our body that let us see, smell, taste, feel and hear. We enjoyed the cold and frosty weather giving us the opportunity to experience 'Winter' with our senses. We have also learned about different sorts of animal (including humans) diets, grouping animals as to whether they were 'herbivores' 'omnivores' or 'carnivores'. In our PSHE theme 'Dreams and Goals' we shared the children's fantastic treasure chests that they had decorated at home as well as the 'success coins' they had written about what they were already good at. We also shared as a class, ideas for things the children would like to get better at or be able to do - we had some fun answers! These ideas will form activities for us as we move through the rest of Year for new things to try, as well as challenging families at home to see how they could help children work towards their goals - remember to send a 'success coin' back into school when you have achieved a step towards your goal!

Spring 1 Week 1 (w/b 3.1.23)

Happy New Year to all our Hedgehogs and families. We hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. We begin our new term with a new topic 'Amazing Animals'. We have had a new focus text 'Animalphabet' by Julia Donaldson, to get us started. Using the book we have worked on our alphabetical ordering skills using the first letter in a word to help us sequence different animals. We have also used watercolour to paint our favourite animal from memory, holding our own art exhibition in the hall to share our work with our friends. We will use our paintings next week as a stimulus to begin collecting factual information on a specific topic or subject. In maths we have started to consolidate our knowledge of number bonds, starting this week with re-visiting knowing our numbers bonds to 5 using fingers on one hand to help us remember the numerical sequence 0+5, 1+4, 2+3, 3+2, 4+1 and 5+0. For Jigsaw (PSHE) we begin to consider our 'Dreams & goals' starting with thinking about successes we have already experienced. Children have been challenged as part of their home work to decorate their own mini treasure chests, which we will use to display 'success coins' this half term. Well done for a great first week back everyone!


 Class News Archives

Autumn Term '22